
The Company

Founded in 1999 American Broadband Services based in California delivers and manages broadband and VoIP powered networks for businesses large and small.Through our nationwide network of more than 850 switches and Core Internet routers, American Broadband Services uses various broadband access technologies for building business networks. These include all types of T1, DS3, xDSL, Frame Relay, ATM and MPLS. Our extensive network coverage reaches 100 percent of U.S. business addresses.


American Broadband Services product suite includes all forms of business grade Internet connectivity products as well as an ever expanding telecommunications capability with soft switches across the USA delivering over 900 million minutes of long distance traffic per month. 2007 marks the first year of American Broadband Services expanding internationally to provide VoIP based services into the United Kingdom!


If you would like to learn more about our company and the products and services we offer please
Contact Us or call us for more detail 866-827-4638.


"Cloud computing is moving from a new idea to the next big strategy for optimizing how IT is used"
Daryl C. Plummer
Managing VP & Gartner Fellow